By:  Gary R. Kane

Just some thoughts here to encourage, convict, and minister to your heart.

Live simply, so others may 'simply live.'

As the Lord was showing me this morning, (concerning the church as a whole), that there are so many things we can do with out, so many things we just do not have to do, or have to have. I am not talking about a "Monk in a monastery" mind set.. No No. I am saying if everyone in the church would only go without some luxury each month, even just one. Eating out, buying this, and getting that. Just do without "just one," luxury a month, and take that money and give it to the poor and to those in need, what a difference it would make.

Obviously, this is the ABSOLUTE  lighter side of the "true heart of giving", and denying self.  But even at this, it would be a blessing to those somewhere in need.  I "am not," talking here about works, or doing something to appease the conscience, not at all!  I am talking about a simple surrender of some of the luxuries we hold so dear, in order to help those in need.  Obviously, there needs to be a heart totally surrendered to God, and dead to self, crucified to the world, and the word crucified to us, a heart that does not care for the things of this world, and self gain, a heart that is in complete obedience to Christ, and lives for nothing else but to please Him ad serve Him.  It is a place where we offer our selves up as living sacrifices on the altar of God's perfect will for our lives, that we may know His good and perfect will, and be conformed to the image of His son Jesus Christ.   Not just sacrifice a few things, this is not the point here.  But give up ALL !

I simply mean in the beginning statements, that there are things we can all do without, and even at this, we could bless another, rather than our self. Beloved, let us go much deeper than this though.  Let us seek to have the giving heart of Christ Jesus.

Seek those around you, and in the body as well, for their spiritual and physical needs, and meet them. Look for ways to help the spiritually poor. God will be glad to show you.....

Next, this thought.

People don't care how much you know, they need to know, how much you care !

Heal the sick, cast out devils, teach the Word, love the unloving. Minister to the uncaring as well. Lay on hands and pray over people , even as a general blessing to them.....

People are not so impressed with words, as they are with the Word of God working through a man. When this happens, they are more open to listen to what he says, to what he preaches,  and receive the truth he brings.

I well understand, how the pressure of every day life, can tend to cause us to be insensitive, and just plane tired. I well understand, the warfare involved in 'doing what is good to others.' This can be a difficult thing, when our own lives seem to be so caught up in the cares of everyday life. This should not be.

When we find the place of 'death to self', and our own worries, and hurts, and weakness, and inabilities are nailed to the cross,  we will soon find room for compassion, and the willingness to minister to others.  We are our own worst enemies at times, and the flesh is always self seeking.  There is no, "I'll start tomorrow,"  I promise you, those tomorrow's "never come,"  There is only what we do now !  There is only obedience to the Lord, in ALL we "know" He has told us to do, and that we continue in steadfastness till the end.

This is sound wisdom.  It will change our lives. It will change the lives of others!

Procrastination, and " I know I need to or should, and will later," only leads to more control of the flesh over us, and more defeat, and very little, or no spiritual power. This attitude begins with the very smallest of things we KNOW the Lord wants from us, and is manifested later in the things we try to do, and seem to have no power, or interest in doing them.

Just a " I wish I could, " mentality remains. As someone once said, we do not need wishbone, we need backbone !  Setting around 'wishing' we could do this, or be this way, or walk this way, never leads to victory, only more defeat.   Get up.  Get going, lay hold of Jesus, and abide in Him, and allow His Word to abide in you. This is the way to victory.

I hope this will be used by the Lord to minister to you today and forever more !


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